About Us


Below you will find helpful information about your Cub Scout Pack 471:

  • Pack Meetings
  • Pack Finances
  • District and Council Resources
  • Overview of Cub Scout Levels

Pack Meetings
Pack Meetings take place on the third Tuesday each month at 6:45pm in the Garrison Mill cafeteria (secondary location will be the Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church). These are times for families to come together to applaud the scouts’ achievements. They are also times for scout’s families to get to know each other better through activities.

Pack Finances
The Pack is financed by two primary sources of income. The first is Pack Dues. Please check the dues page for up to date dues.  This covers most of the basic costs of supporting a year of Scouting: patches, emblems, advancements, books, and belt loops and pins.

So that we can have a richer program, we supplement dues by selling popcorn. Popcorn is a major fundraiser for Scouting and supports not only our Pack, but also the District and Council. We not only help ourselves, but also other Scouts in the Atlanta Area who are deserving of help to participate in Scouting.

To put forth a minimum year of Scouting, we need each Scout in our Pack to sell a minimum of $450. The more we sell, the richer program we can have. More popcorn sales means a better Pinewood Derby, extra field trips, and a bigger Blue and Gold Banquet.

Den Dues will most likely be collected too. Even though a scout is thrifty, it does cost money to provide a den program. Your Den Leader will let you know.

District and Council Resources
Our Scouting District is the Foothills District. Our symbol is the Big Chicken. We are part of the Atlanta Area Council.

Both the District and the Council offer programs to Cub Scouts. We will inform the pack as these programs are developed and announced. However, you can also keep yourself updated by accessing information from the District and Council websites. The District also sends out a monthly newsletter called the Chicken Sheet via e-mail for the leaders. In it you will find more information than you knew existed!

Overview of Cub Scout Levels
Cub scouting has four different levels that boys advance through before becoming a Boy Scout. Each focuses on character development and citizenship through the four main themes of God, Country, Family and Self.

The Tiger program is open to boys who are either in the first grade or seven years old. This is a Partner program where the boy travels through the Tiger year with either his parent or a special adult partner. Meetings are usually held either two or three times monthly and are based on a monthly theme. Most meetings will be in the fashion of an activity or game. One of the monthly meetings is a fieldtrip called a Go See It. Families take turns planning and hosting the monthly meetings. Although each boy does have an adult partner with him, one volunteer does need to step up to be the Den Leader to coordinate. The Tigers earn loops for their adventures.
Uniform is the blue Cub Scout shirt, orange neckerchief, Tiger belt and hat.

The Wolf year is open to boys in the second grade. This is a Den Leader-led program with either an assistant or co-leader. Parents take turn helping at meetings with either planning or lending an extra pair of hands or as the leaders see fit. Meetings are usually two times a month. Adventure loops are earned as activities are completed.  7 loops (6 required and 1 elective) must be earned to receive the Wolf Badge.
Uniform is blue shirt, yellow neckerchief, hat, and blue belt.

The Bear Program is similar to Wolf but more extensive and demanding. Den and Co/Assistant Leaders continue to lead group. Parents continue to take turns helping at meetings as before but it is a time for the boys to become more independent. Parents should plan on taking more of a backstage role. Program is still usually two meetings per month focusing on the Bear Adventure program in the same way. This is for the third grade boy.
Uniform is blue shirt, blue neckerchief, hat and blue belt.

WEBELOS is the program for fourth and fifth grade boys. The focus of this program is for the boys to get ready for Boy Scouts. It is Leader led. Parents take a less noticeable role, but are often asked to help with a specific topic to lead and plan if the leaders choose to do it this way. Parents are also used to help with camping prep, and jobs to keep the program flowing. Meetings are up to the discretion of the leaders. Some groups meet in the pattern of Wolf and Bear; others meet monthly. The meetings are designed to get a badge done so depending on the badge; there may be a trip, a craft, research, or guest speakers. Parents are there more for support in the background.
Uniform is khaki or blue shirt, plaid neckerchief, hat and blue belt.

With all levels of Cub Scouting, only so much can be done in the den level, work always has to be done at home. It is up to the family on how much they want their son to earn. Families are also welcome to do extra outside of what the leader has planned.

Patch placement on the uniform is pictured in the inside covers of the Scout handbook.