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Important Info

Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 471, part of the Boy Scouts of America, Atlanta Area Council!

Based in Marietta, GA, Pack 471 provides a fun and exciting environment to help K – 5th grade kids grow and learn about their community, the environment, and themselves. If you’re interested in joining our pack, click Join Now from the navigation menu.

Pack Leadership:

Committee Chair – Andrew Johnson

Assistant Committee Chair- Rachel Worms

Cubmaster – Kane Bonnette

Assistant Cubmaster – Hillary Stone

Treasurer – Melody Bonnette

Camp Chair – Philip Searles

Social Media Coordinator - Ingle Larkin

Committee Meetings

Committee meetings are opened to all adults of the pack.  We meet once a month during the school year and twice during the summer for yearly planning.  Meetings during the school year are the first Sunday of each month, rescheduled to the second if it falls on a holiday weekend. If you have any questions about the committee meetings or would like to get more information about becoming part of the committee, please send a note to the Pack Committee chair.

Den Leaders:

Lions- Position Needed

Tigers- Robert Killinger

Wolves- Rachel Worms/Amanda Cooper

Bears- Position Needed

Webelos- Heather Crane

Arrows of Light- Curi Ahrens/Micah Whiteside/Andrew Johnson

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